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Unlock your full potential

Gain valuable insights to achieve peak performance in your business.

Contribution Compass helps you to discover natural energy in the workplace. Unlock team flow to maximise contributions and returns.

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Know your flow

Being aligned with your needs, desires and personal energies allows a person to be fully immersed in an activity, and experience intense concentration and enjoyment. This is the state we call “Being in flow”.

In the Contribution Compass there are four energies that combine in varying degrees and reveal how a person likes to work, and the kinds of roles they are best suited for. With each team member’s unique profile, it becomes easy to see where they will be “in flow” and capable of delivering to the best of their ability.

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Eight Contribution Compass Profiles

Through a unique combination of natural energies, each person will fall into one of eight Contribution Compass profiles.

Discover the Contribution Compass profiles

Connect with a partner to discover your flow

Ready to maximise contributions and returns at your organisation?

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How does it work?

The five products on the Contribution Compass platform

Using the five products on the Contribution Compass platform, our partners create deeper flow – enhancing service delivery, streamlining operations and boosting revenue for their clients.
Use the Contribution Identifier to work out the perfect profile for the role, so you can recruit or reshape a team.

Use the Contribution Identifier to work out the perfect profile for the role, so you can recruit or reshape a team.

Contribution Identifier Tool
Contribution Identifier Tool
Discover the ideal candidate using our free tool, guiding you through 24 areas of role contribution.
Optimised Onboarding and Performance
Optimised Onboarding and Performance
Insights from the Contribution Identifier support onboarding and enhance performance for each new employee.
Enhanced Hiring Practices
Enhanced Hiring Practices
Craft job adverts that attract the right candidates by understanding role needs thoroughly.
Access to Trusted Partners
Access to Trusted Partners
Hire the right people with our free tool, supported by trusted partners assisting you throughout the process.
Use the Contribution Compass Profiler to help more people maximise their contribution and increase returns.

Use the Contribution Compass Profiler to help more people maximise their contribution and increase returns.

Contribution Compass Profiler
Contribution Compass Profiler
Our cornerstone tool, it identifies team members’ strengths and optimal roles within the organisation.
Understanding Employee Potential
Understanding Employee Potential
Navigate team energies and profiles to maximise talent potential and enhance talent ROI.
Unlocking Additional Value
Unlocking Additional Value
Insights empower partners to streamline teams and operations, benefiting both business and employee satisfaction.
Informed Decision-Making
Informed Decision-Making
Connect with a partner to positively impact your company’s success and employee happiness through informed decisions.
Use the Recruitment Licence to help profile candidates for interviews and get the right person for the position.

Use the Recruitment Licence to help profile candidates for interviews and get the right person for the position.

Cost-Effective Recruitment
Cost-Effective Recruitment
Our profile-driven solution ensures finding the right candidates without breaking the bank, prioritising cost-effectiveness in hiring.
Efficient Licensing
Efficient Licensing
Our recruitment license offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional pay-per-use models, enabling extensive use of Contribution Compass profiling for improved recruitment outcomes and team building.
Avoiding Costly Mistakes
Avoiding Costly Mistakes
Mitigate the risk of excluding ideal candidates early on by integrating Contribution Compass profiling throughout the recruitment process, avoiding costly hiring errors.
Streamlined Business Operations
Streamlined Business Operations
Take the first step towards building successful teams by connecting with a partner today. Streamline your business operations with precise and effective recruitment strategies for lasting success.
Use the Team Report to help build high-performing, high-trust teams.

Use the Team Report to help build high-performing, high-trust teams.

Team Analysis and Comparison
Team Analysis and Comparison
Use the Team Report to analyse and compare team members’ profiles, understanding dynamics and optimising roles for peak performance.
Critical Implementation Tool
Critical Implementation Tool
The Team Report is essential for implementing insights from the Contribution Identifier and Profiler, guiding informed decisions on team structure and dynamics.
Strategic Recruitment Planning
Strategic Recruitment Planning
Gain insights into team energies for future recruitment strategies, enhancing performance and team contributions.
Connect with a Partner
Connect with a Partner
Reach out today to leverage the Team Report, refining teams for maximum impact. Get a quote to unlock each employee’s full potential.
Maximise the benefits of your profiles, by helping teams to understand their roles, improve communication and better manage team members.

Maximise the benefits of your profiles, by helping teams to understand their roles, improve communication and better manage team members.

Outcome-Focused Training
Outcome-Focused Training
Dive into our one-day course for a deeper understanding of team profiles and energies, enhancing engagement and effectiveness.
Connect with a Partner
Connect with a Partner
Maximise the Contribution Compass system’s impact in your organisation; unlock your teams’ full potential with a quote today.
Tailored Workshops
Tailored Workshops
Customise workshops to meet unique business needs, aligning with organisational values and challenges.
Empowering Teams
Empowering Teams
Equip teams with tools for understanding profiles and dynamics, fostering engagement and effectiveness through targeted training.

Start maximising your returns today

Find out how Contribution Compass can assist you

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Join our Partner Community

As a business consultant, coach or professional services firm, are you looking to:

Implement or replace an existing profiling tool as part of your service offering?
Support your clients in streamlining their business, maximising their contributions and increasing their returns?
Gain greater understanding of client businesses and help them to plan for more effective futures.
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See what our partners say about Contribution Compass

With improved efficiency, streamlined business processes and workflows and happier and more collaborative teams, Contribution Compass has already made an impact for our satisfied partners and their clients.

Maximising Contribution. Maximising Returns.

No one can be all things to all people. At Contribution Compass, we believe people are happiest and most effective when they do what they naturally love. Increase productivity and staff satisfaction by helping your teams to find their flow.